About workntravel

The company was founded in 2022 by Helen who worked in the hotel industry in Latvia for several years. Back in Sweden, she noticed that it was difficult to get skilled staff, mainly chefs. During her years in Latvia, she met a lot of talented staff who wanted to work abroad.

Having the opportunity to work in Sweden means not only an opportunity to earn money but also an opportunity to see a new country, get to know a different culture and make memories for life.

- I saw that there was a need for a platform where Swedish employers can turn to with vacancies and where adventurous jobseekers could register their interest. Then and there the idea for workntravel was born.

Workntravel has helped many talented workers, mainly from Latvia, to work in Sweden for short and long periods. Latvia is one of Europe's poorer countries but has also experienced substantial growth in recent years. For the country to continue to develop, more young people must get an opportunity to complete their education. We want to contribute to making this possible and have therefore chosen to collaborate with a Swedish foundation.

This means that Workntravel has chosen to support the Livslust Study Support program. During one academic year, we financially support two young Latvians from vulnerable families so that they can continue to study after the ninth grade to attend vocational training instead of being forced to start working to contribute to family support. Livslust is responsible for individually tailored support and coaching. Livslust is an independent private organization that has operated in Latvia since 1994.

Our ambition is that our commitment and collaboration with Livslust will grow in the coming years.

More information about Livlust can be found here (Swedish) https://livslust.com (Latvian) https://www.dzivesprieks.lv