Here you can find info of how to….
Be aware that this is not an official website, minor errors might occur but we have done our best provide you with the correct info. All info below only applies for all EU-citizens
Skatteverket, Försäkringskassan, Arbetsförmedlingen är all in the same located at the same office called
Coordination number (samordningsnummer)
To apply for a samordningsnummer fill out the application 4402. If you visit skatteverket and show your passport/ID once the number is on its way you can get a confirmed samordningsnummer that is for life time and with it, it will be easier for example to open up a bank account and get a Bank ID
The declarations are sent out early spring and has to be handed in at the latest 2nd of May each year. The declaration will arrive to your contact address in Sweden or your home address.
The declaration can be sent in digitally or by post.
If more then 90% of your annual salary comes from Sweden make sure you have received "fullt grundavdrag", an annual amount that you don’t pay any taxes on.
To receive the tax refund into your account, if you don’t have a Swedish Bank account. There are two ways
Option 1.
Write a letter stating.
Your name and Swedish social security or coordination number and your contact details.
IBAN and BIC for your bank account.
Acknowledgment of the signature.
A certificate from your bank .
The certificate from the bank must contain:
- your name and birthday.
- the IBAN and BIC for your bank account.
- the bank's name and address.
- be signed by a bank official, including the name.
- be dated and must not be older than six months at the time of application opt-out.
The address where to send the document
107 75 Stockholm
Option 2. If you go to a skatteverket office together with someone that has a Swedish bank account. The money can transferred into that persons bank account.
Move to Sweden
In order to move to Sweden you have to fil out the below application on-line and bring to skatteverket along with passport, work contract and rental agreement, if you have any.
Social security number (personnummer)
In order to get a personnummer you actually have to register as a resident of Sweden. But since the 1st of September 2023 you can get your samordningsnummer (coordination number) confirmed f you visist a tax agency office and it will give you the same rights as a personnummer.
If you work in Sweden and pay tax and social benefits in Sweden you are covered by our social security system. But we recoemmed you to always bring your European Health Insurance Card from your home country.
Belonging to the Swedish Social Security system
If you moved to Sweden or has a more than one year contract in Sweden you should apply to belong to the Swedish Social Security system. If you work seasonal you have to do it for minimum two years before the same rights apply for you. Fil out the application 5456
Need medical help, none urgent
If you need to go see the doctor, dentist etc and it is not urgently, fil out the application 5435 and send in. You will within a couple of weeks get back a prof that you have rights to medical care in Sweden.
Need medical help, urgent
Go to emergency and bring as much prof as possible for your employment in Sweden, contract, payslips and passport/ID, if you didn't bring you European Health insurance card.
When you work in Sweden and pay both tax and social benefits here you accumulate Swedish pension, by the time you retire you can move the pension over to your home country.
Here you can first of all look for a new jobs!
If you have worked more than eight consecutive months you have the rights to a minor financial support from Alfakassan. To apply you have to register as unemployed and ask for a U2 certificate, in case you are going back to your home country to apply for new jobs.
You can read more here
If you have at least a 12 months contract you can join Alfakassan or the Union for Hotels and restaurants it is You will than receive a higher support once you are unemployed.
Couldn't find what you are looking for. Or have challenges with the Swedish bureaucracy please contact us